My sister-in-law lovingly hinted perhaps I oughta update this, considering I started it in January... and nothing since. I appreciate the kick in the pants!
I've been wanting to add recent pics of the kids at Easter, but I don't have access to any at the moment - so this'll have to do.
These are pics we had done at Sears on Good Friday. The photographer was SO patient and God bless my mom, who volunteered to come with me - because without her, I think we would have went home with shots of ears or feet - or better yet, Mommy's backside as she attempted to wrangle the two rugrats into sitting still for 1.5 seconds - at the same time - while looking at the camera - nicely. Nonetheless, I'm very pleased.
Don't let the sweetness fool you - they're zesty!!!

I've been wanting to add recent pics of the kids at Easter, but I don't have access to any at the moment - so this'll have to do.
These are pics we had done at Sears on Good Friday. The photographer was SO patient and God bless my mom, who volunteered to come with me - because without her, I think we would have went home with shots of ears or feet - or better yet, Mommy's backside as she attempted to wrangle the two rugrats into sitting still for 1.5 seconds - at the same time - while looking at the camera - nicely. Nonetheless, I'm very pleased.
Don't let the sweetness fool you - they're zesty!!!

Hey Jen, this is a great post. I was happy to kick you in the pants. LOL I like reading about how you had to try to get them to sit still for a little bit. Then, I was picturing the camera butt shots. LOL
Love ya lots!
Matt does look a lot like David Archiletta from American Idol. It cracks many of us up too. Hope all is well with you. Looks like it is time for another post on your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA
Hi aunt jen how are you doing? i cant wait to see you in a couple of weeks for katies wedding. love ya lots
I love the photos of Noah and Molly. They are so cute. Tell everyone i say hi and I love them!
i cant wait for you to meet matt i just saw that you wrote you on my promise ring section that i why i am writine agian. lol. how have you been? what should i wear for katies wedding me and matt both dont know what to wear. lol. love you lots.
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