Monday, July 21, 2008

Chocolate Chatting...

This is the new phone - and it's SO fun!! WAY too gadget-y for me, but cool to play with. It's the Verizon Chocolate - and lest you think us beyond our means - it was free - and it's my work phone. Nonetheless, it's been fun to tinker with...


Cyndi said...
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Brandy said...

Hey Jen!!! I love that phone. I sooo would love my company to carry it, but we have the one similar, but sooo not as cool. So glad you like it!!! I missed you guys Sunday!!! Hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine!! (((HUGZ)))If you have free texting so do I, text me anytime!! Love a friend!!

Shelly said...

Looks like a petty cool phone. Chocolate! Almost sounds good like a candybar. lol

Have fun with the new phone and glad that you posted some more on your blog.

Shelly said...

you need a new post!!!!!!! LOL